

This page describes the low level contraction functionality of cotengra, see the high level interface functions for standard use.

You can pass the cotengra optimizers, or paths generated with them, to quimb, opt_einsum, and other libraries (generally via the optimize= kwarg), but cotengra also provides its own contraction functionality encapsulated in the ContractionTree.contract method.

For an example let’s generate a square lattice contraction:

%config InlineBackend.figure_formats = ['svg']
import numpy as np
import cotengra as ctg

inputs, output, shapes, size_dict = ctg.utils.lattice_equation([10, 10])
arrays = [np.random.uniform(size=shape) for shape in shapes]

Then find a high quality tree for it (using minimize='combo' is generally good for real world contraction performance):

opt = ctg.HyperOptimizer(
tree =, output, size_dict)
log2[SIZE]: 10.00 log10[FLOPs]: 5.28: 100%|██████████| 128/128 [00:04<00:00, 28.46it/s]

We can have a quick look at the tree:

(<Figure size 500x500 with 3 Axes>, <Axes: >)

Basic contraction

Contracting is then as simple as:


We can also show live progress for feedback with progbar=True. And if the value of contraction is going to be very large or small (e.g. some weighted counting problems), then setting strip_exponents=True will actively rescale intermediate tensors and return the result as a scaled output array (the ‘mantissa’) and the exponent separately:

tree.contract(arrays, progbar=True, strip_exponent=True)
100%|██████████| 99/99 [00:00<00:00, 16029.81it/s]
(1.0, 22.904292025082466)

such that the full output would be mantissa * 10**exponent.

Sliced contraction

One of the main reasons to use the contraction abilities of cotengra is that it handles sliced contractions. Let’s generate a sliced tree with a minimum of 32 slices:

opt = ctg.HyperOptimizer(
    slicing_opts={"target_slices": 32},
tree =, output, size_dict)
log2[SIZE]: 8.00 log10[FLOPs]: 5.91: 100%|██████████| 128/128 [00:04<00:00, 25.76it/s]

The sliced indices appear as dashed lines if we plot the tree:

(<Figure size 500x500 with 3 Axes>, <Axes: >)
tree.sliced_inds, tree.nslices
({'ä': SliceInfo(inner=True, ind='ä', size=2, project=None),
  'æ': SliceInfo(inner=True, ind='æ', size=2, project=None),
  'è': SliceInfo(inner=True, ind='è', size=2, project=None),
  'ê': SliceInfo(inner=True, ind='ê', size=2, project=None),
  'þ': SliceInfo(inner=True, ind='þ', size=2, project=None)},


cotengra can perform all of the necessary slicing and summing in the background for you just by calling the ContractionTree.contract method as usual:

tree.contract(arrays, progbar=True)
100%|██████████| 32/32 [00:00<00:00, 489.62it/s]

If you are just interested in the memory savings of slicing then this is usually sufficient.


  • For sliced trees progress is shown across slices, not individual contractions.

  • You can still set strip_exponents=True - but be aware the overall exponent is fixed by the first slice contracted.


To control for example parallelization you have to take a slightly more hands-on approach using the some combination of the following methods:

The slices are enumerated by range(tree.nslices). The following demonstrates an explicit loop that you could distribute:

# note this can be a lazy generator
output_slices = (tree.contract_slice(arrays, i) for i in range(tree.nslices))


There are more examples in the examples folder, demonstrating using:

  • an executor pool

  • GPU

  • MPI

If no sliced indices are in the output then the final gather is just a sum, however if this isn’t the case then the final gather also involves calls to stack. If you are just interested in iterating over the output slices (for example performing a map-reduce like \(\sum f(T)\)) then you can do so lazily with ContractionTree.gen_output_chunks which avoids constructing the full output tensor.

Backends and autoray

cotengra dispatches the functions tensordot, einsum, transpose and stack using autoray thereby supporting a wide range of backend tensor libraries, as well as functionality like intermediate reuse, lazy tracing, and compilation. This usually requires no extra input:

import cupy as cp

gpu_arrays = [cp.asarray(array) for array in arrays]

but you can specify the backend kwarg to explicitly control which module to lookup the functions from, or directly register your own implementations with autoray.


If you would like to use einsum for every contraction, not just those that tensordot doesn’t support, then set prefer_einsum=True.


This is an experimental feature of autoray that tries to just in time compile and then cache the contraction expression based on the backend. For numpy and cupy for example, this just strips away some python scaffold and offers a small speedup if a contraction will be called many times. For jax and others it makes use of their full compilation abilities.

Differences with opt_einsum

The major difference between contraction in cotengra and opt_einsum is just that cotengra handles slicing. There are also a few other minor differences between the two:

  • opt_einsum prefers to use einsum (if available) for some operations that tensordot could be used for (e.g. outer products), cotengra prefers tensordot for all operations that are possible with it

  • cotengra uses autoray to dispatch pairwise tensordot, transpose and einsum operations

  • the costs opt_einsum reports assumes a real datatype for the tensors, which is generally twice as high compared to generic ‘ops’ (i.e. tree.contraction_cost()) and four times lower than assuming a complex datatype (i.e. tree.total_flops('complex')).