
Objects for defining and customizing the target cost of a contraction.




Base mixin class for all objectives.


Mixin class for all exact objectives.


Objective that scores based on estimated floating point operations.


Objective that scores based on estimated total write, i.e. the sum of


Objective that scores based on maximum intermediate size.


Objective that scores based on a combination of estimated floating point


Objective that scores based on a maximum of either estimated floating








Mixin for objectives that score based on a compressed contraction.


Objective that scores based on the maximum size intermediate tensor


Objective that scores based on the peak total concurrent size of


Objective that scores based on the total cumulative size of


Objective that scores based on the total contraction flops


Mixin for objectives that score based on a compressed contraction.


Base mixin class for all objectives.


Number of intermediate configurations is expected to scale as if all


Number of intermediate configurations is expected to scale as if all


Number of intermediate configurations is expected to scale linearly with






expected_coupons(num_sub, num_total)

If we draw a random 'coupon` which can take num_sub different values

Module Contents

cotengra.scoring.DEFAULT_COMBO_FACTOR = 64
class cotengra.scoring.Objective[source]

Base mixin class for all objectives.

__slots__ = ()
abstract __call__(trial)[source]

The core method that takes a trial generated by a contraction path driver and scores it to report to a hyper-optimizer. It might also update the parameters in the trial to reflect the desired cost.

class cotengra.scoring.ExactObjective[source]

Bases: Objective

Mixin class for all exact objectives.

abstract cost_local_tree_node(tree, node)[source]

The cost of a single node in tree, according to this objective. Used for subtree reconfiguration.

abstract score_local(**kwargs)[source]

The score to give a single contraction, according to the given kwargs. Used in simulated_anneal.

abstract score_slice_index(costs, ix)[source]

The score to give possibly slicing ix, according to the given costs. Used in the SliceFinder optimization.

abstract get_dynamic_programming_minimize()[source]

Get the argument for optimal optimization, used in subtree reconfiguration.

class cotengra.scoring.FlopsObjective(secondary_weight=0.001)[source]

Bases: ExactObjective

Objective that scores based on estimated floating point operations.


secondary_weight (float, optional) – Weighting factor for secondary objectives (max size and total write). Default is 1e-3.

__slots__ = ('secondary_weight',)
secondary_weight = 0.001
cost_local_tree_node(tree, node)[source]

The cost of a single node in tree, according to this objective. Used for subtree reconfiguration.


The score to give a single contraction, according to the given kwargs. Used in simulated_anneal.

score_slice_index(costs, ix)[source]

The score to give possibly slicing ix, according to the given costs. Used in the SliceFinder optimization.


Get the argument for optimal optimization, used in subtree reconfiguration.


The core method that takes a trial generated by a contraction path driver and scores it to report to a hyper-optimizer. It might also update the parameters in the trial to reflect the desired cost.

class cotengra.scoring.WriteObjective(secondary_weight=0.001)[source]

Bases: ExactObjective

Objective that scores based on estimated total write, i.e. the sum of sizes of all intermediates. This is relevant for completely memory-bound contractions, and also for back-propagation.


secondary_weight (float, optional) – Weighting factor for secondary objectives (max size and total flops). Default is 1e-3.

__slots__ = ('secondary_weight',)
secondary_weight = 0.001
cost_local_tree_node(tree, node)[source]

The cost of a single node in tree, according to this objective. Used for subtree reconfiguration.


The score to give a single contraction, according to the given kwargs. Used in simulated_anneal.

score_slice_index(costs, ix)[source]

The score to give possibly slicing ix, according to the given costs. Used in the SliceFinder optimization.


Get the argument for optimal optimization, used in subtree reconfiguration.


The core method that takes a trial generated by a contraction path driver and scores it to report to a hyper-optimizer. It might also update the parameters in the trial to reflect the desired cost.

class cotengra.scoring.SizeObjective(secondary_weight=0.001)[source]

Bases: ExactObjective

Objective that scores based on maximum intermediate size.


secondary_weight (float, optional) – Weighting factor for secondary objectives (total flops and total write). Default is 1e-3.

__slots__ = ('secondary_weight',)
secondary_weight = 0.001
cost_local_tree_node(tree, node)[source]

The cost of a single node in tree, according to this objective. Used for subtree reconfiguration.


The score to give a single contraction, according to the given kwargs. Used in simulated_anneal.

score_slice_index(costs, ix)[source]

The score to give possibly slicing ix, according to the given costs. Used in the SliceFinder optimization.


Get the argument for optimal optimization, used in subtree reconfiguration.


The core method that takes a trial generated by a contraction path driver and scores it to report to a hyper-optimizer. It might also update the parameters in the trial to reflect the desired cost.

class cotengra.scoring.ComboObjective(factor=DEFAULT_COMBO_FACTOR)[source]

Bases: ExactObjective

Objective that scores based on a combination of estimated floating point operations and total write, according to:

\[\log_2(\text{flops} + \alpha \times \text{write})\]

Where alpha is the factor parameter of this objective, that describes approximately how much slower write speeds are.


factor (float, optional) – Weighting factor for total write. Default is 64.

__slots__ = ('factor',)
factor = 64
cost_local_tree_node(tree, node)[source]

The cost of a single node in tree, according to this objective. Used for subtree reconfiguration.


The score to give a single contraction, according to the given kwargs. Used in simulated_anneal.

score_slice_index(costs, ix)[source]

The score to give possibly slicing ix, according to the given costs. Used in the SliceFinder optimization.


Get the argument for optimal optimization, used in subtree reconfiguration.


The core method that takes a trial generated by a contraction path driver and scores it to report to a hyper-optimizer. It might also update the parameters in the trial to reflect the desired cost.

class cotengra.scoring.LimitObjective(factor=DEFAULT_COMBO_FACTOR)[source]

Bases: ExactObjective

Objective that scores based on a maximum of either estimated floating point operations or the total write, weighted by some factor:

\[\sum_{c} max(\text{flops}_i, \alpha \times \text{write}_i)\]

For each contraction $i$. Where alpha is the factor parameter of this objective, that describes approximately how much slower write speeds are. This assumes that one or the other is the limiting factor.


factor (float, optional) – Weighting factor for total write. Default is 64.

factor = 64
cost_local_tree_node(tree, node)[source]

The cost of a single node in tree, according to this objective. Used for subtree reconfiguration.


The score to give a single contraction, according to the given kwargs. Used in simulated_anneal.

score_slice_index(costs, ix)[source]

The score to give possibly slicing ix, according to the given costs. Used in the SliceFinder optimization.


Get the argument for optimal optimization, used in subtree reconfiguration.


The core method that takes a trial generated by a contraction path driver and scores it to report to a hyper-optimizer. It might also update the parameters in the trial to reflect the desired cost.

class cotengra.scoring.CompressedStatsTracker(hg, chi)[source]
__slots__ = ('chi', 'flops', 'max_size', 'peak_size', 'write', 'total_size', 'total_size_post_contract',...
total_size = 0
total_size_post_contract = 0
contracted_size = 0
size_change = 0
flops_change = 0
flops = 0
max_size = 0
update_pre_compress(hg, *nodes)[source]
update_post_compress(hg, *nodes)[source]
update_pre_contract(hg, i, j)[source]
update_post_contract(hg, ij)[source]
property combo_score
abstract property score
describe(join=' ')[source]
class cotengra.scoring.CompressedStatsTrackerSize(hg, chi, secondary_weight=0.001)[source]

Bases: CompressedStatsTracker

__slots__ = ('chi', 'flops', 'max_size', 'peak_size', 'write', 'total_size', 'total_size_post_contract',...
secondary_weight = 0.001
property score
class cotengra.scoring.CompressedStatsTrackerPeak(hg, chi, secondary_weight=0.001)[source]

Bases: CompressedStatsTracker

__slots__ = ('chi', 'flops', 'max_size', 'peak_size', 'write', 'total_size', 'total_size_post_contract',...
secondary_weight = 0.001
property score
class cotengra.scoring.CompressedStatsTrackerWrite(hg, chi, secondary_weight=0.001)[source]

Bases: CompressedStatsTracker

__slots__ = ('chi', 'flops', 'max_size', 'peak_size', 'write', 'total_size', 'total_size_post_contract',...
secondary_weight = 0.001
property score
class cotengra.scoring.CompressedStatsTrackerFlops(hg, chi, secondary_weight=0.001)[source]

Bases: CompressedStatsTracker

__slots__ = ('chi', 'flops', 'max_size', 'peak_size', 'write', 'total_size', 'total_size_post_contract',...
secondary_weight = 0.001
property score
class cotengra.scoring.CompressedStatsTrackerCombo(hg, chi, factor=DEFAULT_COMBO_FACTOR)[source]

Bases: CompressedStatsTracker

__slots__ = ('chi', 'flops', 'max_size', 'peak_size', 'write', 'total_size', 'total_size_post_contract',...
factor = 64
property score
class cotengra.scoring.CompressedObjective(chi='auto', compress_late=False)[source]

Bases: Objective

Mixin for objectives that score based on a compressed contraction.

chi = 'auto'
compress_late = False
abstract get_compressed_stats_tracker(hg)[source]

Return a tracker for compressed contraction stats.


hg (Hypergraph) – The hypergraph to track stats for.


The tracker.

Return type:


class cotengra.scoring.CompressedSizeObjective(chi='auto', compress_late=False, secondary_weight=0.001)[source]

Bases: CompressedObjective

Objective that scores based on the maximum size intermediate tensor during a compressed contraction with maximum bond dimension chi.

  • chi (int, optional) – Maximum bond dimension to use for the compressed contraction. Default is "auto", which will use the square of the maximum size of any input tensor dimension.

  • compress_late (bool, optional) – Whether to compress the neighboring tensors just after (early) or just before (late) contracting tensors. Default is False, i.e. early.

  • secondary_weight (float, optional) – Weighting factor for secondary objectives (flops and write). Default is 1e-3.

__slots__ = ('chi', 'compress_late', 'secondary_weight')
secondary_weight = 0.001

Return a tracker for compressed contraction stats.


hg (Hypergraph) – The hypergraph to track stats for.


The tracker.

Return type:



The core method that takes a trial generated by a contraction path driver and scores it to report to a hyper-optimizer. It might also update the parameters in the trial to reflect the desired cost.

class cotengra.scoring.CompressedPeakObjective(chi='auto', compress_late=False, secondary_weight=0.001)[source]

Bases: CompressedObjective

Objective that scores based on the peak total concurrent size of intermediate tensors during a compressed contraction with maximum bond dimension chi.

  • chi (int, optional) – Maximum bond dimension to use for the compressed contraction. Default is "auto", which will use the square of the maximum size of any input tensor dimension.

  • compress_late (bool, optional) – Whether to compress the neighboring tensors just after (early) or just before (late) contracting tensors. Default is False, i.e. early.

  • secondary_weight (float, optional) – Weighting factor for secondary objectives (flops and write). Default is 1e-3.

__slots__ = ('chi', 'compress_late', 'secondary_weight')
secondary_weight = 0.001

Return a tracker for compressed contraction stats.


hg (Hypergraph) – The hypergraph to track stats for.


The tracker.

Return type:



The core method that takes a trial generated by a contraction path driver and scores it to report to a hyper-optimizer. It might also update the parameters in the trial to reflect the desired cost.

class cotengra.scoring.CompressedWriteObjective(chi='auto', compress_late=False, secondary_weight=0.001)[source]

Bases: CompressedObjective

Objective that scores based on the total cumulative size of intermediate tensors during a compressed contraction with maximum bond dimension chi.

  • chi (int, optional) – Maximum bond dimension to use for the compressed contraction. Default is "auto", which will use the square of the maximum size of any input tensor dimension.

  • compress_late (bool, optional) – Whether to compress the neighboring tensors just after (early) or just before (late) contracting tensors. Default is False, i.e. early.

  • secondary_weight (float, optional) – Weighting factor for secondary objectives (flops and peak size). Default is 1e-3.

__slots__ = ('chi', 'compress_late', 'secondary_weight')
secondary_weight = 0.001

Return a tracker for compressed contraction stats.


hg (Hypergraph) – The hypergraph to track stats for.


The tracker.

Return type:



The core method that takes a trial generated by a contraction path driver and scores it to report to a hyper-optimizer. It might also update the parameters in the trial to reflect the desired cost.

class cotengra.scoring.CompressedFlopsObjective(chi='auto', compress_late=False, secondary_weight=0.001)[source]

Bases: CompressedObjective

Objective that scores based on the total contraction flops intermediate tensors during a compressed contraction with maximum bond dimension chi.

  • chi (int, optional) – Maximum bond dimension to use for the compressed contraction. Default is "auto", which will use the square of the maximum size of any input tensor dimension.

  • compress_late (bool, optional) – Whether to compress the neighboring tensors just after (early) or just before (late) contracting tensors. Default is False, i.e. early.

  • secondary_weight (float, optional) – Weighting factor for secondary objectives (write and peak size). Default is 1e-3.

__slots__ = ('chi', 'compress_late', 'secondary_weight')
secondary_weight = 0.001

Return a tracker for compressed contraction stats.


hg (Hypergraph) – The hypergraph to track stats for.


The tracker.

Return type:



The core method that takes a trial generated by a contraction path driver and scores it to report to a hyper-optimizer. It might also update the parameters in the trial to reflect the desired cost.

class cotengra.scoring.CompressedComboObjective(chi='auto', compress_late=False, factor=DEFAULT_COMBO_FACTOR)[source]

Bases: CompressedObjective

Mixin for objectives that score based on a compressed contraction.

__slots__ = ('chi', 'compress_late', 'factor')
factor = 64

Return a tracker for compressed contraction stats.


hg (Hypergraph) – The hypergraph to track stats for.


The tracker.

Return type:



The core method that takes a trial generated by a contraction path driver and scores it to report to a hyper-optimizer. It might also update the parameters in the trial to reflect the desired cost.

class cotengra.scoring.MultiObjective(num_configs)[source]

Bases: Objective

Base mixin class for all objectives.

__slots__ = ('num_configs',)
abstract compute_mult(dims)[source]
estimate_node_mult(tree, node)[source]
estimate_node_cache_mult(tree, node, sliced_ind_ordering)[source]
class cotengra.scoring.MultiObjectiveDense(num_configs)[source]

Bases: MultiObjective

Number of intermediate configurations is expected to scale as if all configurations are present.

__slots__ = ('num_configs',)
cotengra.scoring.expected_coupons(num_sub, num_total)[source]

If we draw a random ‘coupon` which can take num_sub different values num_total times, how many unique coupons will we expect?

class cotengra.scoring.MultiObjectiveUniform(num_configs)[source]

Bases: MultiObjective

Number of intermediate configurations is expected to scale as if all configurations are randomly draw from a uniform distribution.

__slots__ = ('num_configs',)
class cotengra.scoring.MultiObjectiveLinear(num_configs, coeff=1)[source]

Bases: MultiObjective

Number of intermediate configurations is expected to scale linearly with respect to number of variable indices (e.g. VMC like ‘locally connected’ configurations).

__slots__ = ('num_configs', 'coeff')
coeff = 1